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December 18, 2014

DX Extra shortwave show No.17 Released!

Hello fellow DXers, it is with great excitement to release the latest shortwave news programme DX Extra number 17 to the world wide web! It's the Christmas edition! 
 In this fortnight's podcast:  Radio Dabanga: (Govt) launches 10 shortwave stations (to combat Radio Dabanga) Santa on 3916  Radio Exterior Espangna returns Radio Australia - hostage crisis 
Radio Havana Cuba on diplomacy changes
Pirate Radio Logs and recordings
Audio Archive: Radio Vaticana 
(BBC World Service at end)

LISTEN via embedded player:

By the way, it's a week before Christmas day!

To DOWNLOAD in 320kbps format or lower formats head to:

"Coming January, Sudan will launch ten shortwave radio stations in Darfur, and ten in South Kordofan The new radio stations will present programmes in local dialects, to counter the broadcasts by Radio Dabanga, in an attempt to reduce its impact on the populations of those regions, especially in Darfur, Information Minister Ahmed Bilal Osman told Members of the national Parliament on Tuesday.
As for South Kordofan, the radio stations will aim to reach the Nuba people living in the rebel-controlled areas, the minister noted.
Sudanese MPs have criticised the performance of the official media before. They described it as “weak, and failing in the delivery of information”. On Tuesday, 25 November, the daily broadcasts by Radio Dabanga from the Netherlands were discussed in the parliament. Some MPs stressed the need “to disrupt the activity of Radio Dabanga, or completely stop it”, and demanded from the Information Minister of State to develop a plan to at least reduce its impact.
Radio Dabanga broadcasts in shortwave to the whole of Sudan and neighbouring countries. Satellite broadcasts are confined to the larger cities." 

UPDATE: 19/12/14 Radio Dabanga is being combated by the 10 proposed shortwave stations and 10 FM stations. While the report says "10 shortwave stations" it is possible they will all be on FM. 

“For the 9th consecutive year, the 3.916 Nets will be giving good boys and girls a chance to talk to Santa Claus via the magic of ham radio.   The '3916 Santa Nets' will be held at 7:30 PM every night from November 28 through December 24th.    The Santa Nets are open to all licensed amateur radio operators who wish to invite kids to their shack to talk to Santa.  Third party rules will apply.

For 2014, The 3916 Santa Net will be on the air nightly during the Christmas season.  The net time is changing from 8:30 PM Central to 7:30 PM Central.   Pete Thomson (KE5GGY), commented on The 3916 Santa Nets.  He said, "Christmas is our favorite time of year on The 3916 Nets.  Each year on the Santa Nets we are blown away by the response.  It's incredible to hear the excitement in kids' voices as they talk to Santa Claus on Ham Radio.   Based on comments from last year, we're going to have the Santa Net every night during the Christmas season and we're moving the net back an hour so kids won't have to stay up too late."

Thomson added that The Santa Nets are a great way to let kids experience both the magic of Christmas and amateur radio.  He said, "We encourage hams to get their kids, grand kids and even neighbor kids into their shacks to participate in the Santa Net.  The kids love talking to Santa and we get an opportunity to show a young person how amateur radio works."

Each evening, The 3916 Santa Net will start at 7:30 PM (Central) on 3.916 MHz.  Pre-net check-ins will be taken on the air starting at 7:15 PM.   You can also do a pre-net check in by emailing

For more information on The 3916 Nets or The Santa Net, contact Pete Thomson, KE5GGY at .” via Voice of Ham Radio Blog

[Audio: DX Extra Promo No.4]

At ISWBG deadline, we received information that Spain's Radio Exterior Espana was planning to resume broadcasting on shortwave. Severe budget cuts had forced the station to terminate all broadcast on shortwave at the close of their summer schedule season in October.
  After extensive deliberations, the RTVE Board of Directors approved to resume broadcasting transmissions from Noblejas, Spain. Plans are to mainly beam broadcast to four main target areas, four hours a day and eight hours on weekends.
  At this time the following schedule, which has been revised from the previous listing in Late Breaking News is noted as "tentative,"
A start date has not been released at this post. The definitive schedule will be released shortly.

The following revised schedule, has been registered for the winter broadcast
All times UTC

1600-2400 on 9620 NOB 200 kW / 290 deg to NoAm Spanish Sat/Sun
1600-2400 on 11685 NOB 200 kW / 161 deg to WCAf Spanish Sat/Sun
1600-2400 on 11940 NOB 200 kW / 230 deg to SoAm Spanish Sat/Sun
1600-2400 on 12030 NOB 200 kW / 110 deg to NEAf Spanish Sat/Sun

1600-2200 on 17715 NOB 200 kW / 230 deg to SoAm Spanish Daily
1600-2400 on 17755 NOB 200 kW / 161 deg to WCAf Spanish Daily
1800-2400 on 17850 NOB 100 kW / 272 deg to CeAm Spanish Daily
1800-2400 on 21610 NOB 200 kW / 110 deg to N/ME Spanish Daily
1900-2300 on 15110 NOB 200 kW / 302 deg to NoAm Spanish Daily

2000-2400 on 9620 NOB 200 kW / 290 deg to NoAm Spanish Mon-Fri
2000-2400 on 11685 NOB 200 kW / 161 deg to WCAf Spanish Mon-Fri
2000-2400 on 11940 NOB 200 kW / 230 deg to SoAm Spanish Mon-Fri
2000-2400 on 12030 NOB 200 kW / 110 deg to NEAf Spanish Mon-Fri
2000-2400 on 15385 NOB 200 kW / 161 deg to WCAf Spanish Mon-Fri
via Shortwave central blog [Audio: REE] in downloads folder

Audio via the Bulgarian DX Blog

Australia was changed when news surfaced of a hostage crisis that took place at the Lindt Cafe in Martin Place, Sydney on Monday the 15th of December. Terrorism has come to our shores. Shortwave has been highlighted as Radio Australia switched to a live feed from 702 ABC Sydney with rolling coverage that the short wave community would have benefited from if living outside Australia. It just goes to show even the ABC still thinks shortwave is important. A few years ago Radio Australia played an important role with a relay of ABC Queensland radio due to terrible floods in December 2010. 200,000 people were affected and a damage bill of 2.38million dollars. Many affected could not get vital information as power was cut, car radios out of reach as their cars were flooded and as we know smartphone's battery life is pretty average. As three quarters of the state was severely flooded only those who had an emergency radio could hear vital information.

[Audio: Radio Australia – hostage crisis]

The sad news for Radio Australia is news that has surfaced that in 2015 only the Shepparton transmitter will remain 24/7 a day and all other transmitters will close. I will be looking out for more clarity on this change in the weeks ahead.

“WASHINGTON — President Obama on Wednesday ordered the restoration of full diplomatic relations with Cuba and the opening of an embassy in Havana for the first time in more than a half-century as he vowed to “cut loose the shackles of the past” and sweep aside one of the last vestiges of the Cold War.
The surprise announcement came at the end of 18 months of secret talks that produced a prisoner swap negotiated with the help of Pope Francis and concluded by a telephone call between Mr. Obama and President Raúl Castro. The historic deal broke an enduring stalemate between two countries divided by just 90 miles of water but oceans of mistrust and hostility dating from the days of Theodore Roosevelt’s charge up San Juan Hill and the nuclear brinkmanship of the Cuban missile crisis.” via the New York Times
As this new news surfaced on Radio Havana Cuba many shortwave listeners wonder what the Cuban take on the diplomatic changes are. After all they can't talk about the Cuban five any more now the three imprisoned were released! Let's listen to news recorded today by Eric Bueneman from Missouri, USA.

[Audio: RHC 6000kHz...] 

[Pirate Theme]

The pirate world has been busy, last weekend produced more logs than normal and if this weekend on the eve of Christmas is anything to go by, expect it to be pretty full!

Here are American and Europirate logs for the last week of December:

6845 Happy Hanukkah Radio 17th December 1h22UTC “Hearing interval signal 0121, into classical violin music, different show or different station?  S-5 here
Adam Sandler's Hanukkah song 0127... faded out buy 0132 or so.” First reported by Chris Smolinski Was also broadcasting earlier before 1hr UTC.

6770 Old Time Radio 23h22UTC December 16th with a good s9 signal into USA. First reported by Chris Smolinski

[Audio: Old Time Radio] Thanks to William Callesen for the clip!
6323 Radio Underground 14th December 2014 17h15UTC playing Baba O'Reily by The Who. First reported by atrainradio

6880 Bangalore Poacher December 14th 2014 at 3h43UTC “with the usual zany mixture of nonsensical numbers and utterings by man and woman announcer, Lincolnshire Poacher IS, then some beeps, IS and OFF abruptly at 0353 UTC. Signal was about an S5, mostly above the noise with some fading. Nice to hear this one's been awhile!” (reference?)

I couldn't wait half the show to air you this clip, it is a recording of the Bangalore Poacher – get ready for some insane radio!

[Audio: Bangalore Poacher]

I received an email announcing some stations on air this weekend to keep an eye out for:

“Relays this weekend

Radio City will be on the air this weekend:
Friday December 19th at 19.00 to 20.00 UTC on 7290 and 1368 kHz,
and repeated on Saturday December 20th at 09.00 to 10.00 UTC on 9510 kHz
Our address remains

We will also be on the air Saturday December 27th at 13.00 - 14.00 UTC via Hamburger Lokalradio on 7265 kHz
There is also a separate weekly programme via Radio Merkurs, Latvia every Saturday at 20.00 - 21.00 UTC on 1485 kHz.

European Music Radio Relay on 21st of December 2014:
08.00 to 09.00 UTC  (Gohren) on 7265 KHz  Tom & Mike Taylor
09.00 to 10.00 UTC  (Gohren) on 9485 KHz  Tom & Mike Taylor
Please send all E.M.R. reports to:    Thank you!

If you live outside the listening area please try the Twente/Netherlands Web Receiver at

Every Saturday and Wednesday the programs of HLR:
07.00 to 09.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz
09.00 to 12.00 UTC, on 6190 KHz
12.00 to 16.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz
Every Sunday:
12.00 to 16.00 UTC on 9485 kHz
E-mail:   Thank you! “ via Tom Taylor Hard core DX digest

All logs via the HF underground forum. (We also hank other members contributions to the pirate logs that may have not got a mention.)

And if this news was not enough, we recommend The World of Radio by Glen Hauser, the website www dot world of radio dot com

DX Extra is being relayed via World FM 88.2FM in Tawa, near Wellington in New Zealand, Worldfm dot co dot nz and on shortwave last week on WBCQ USA on 5110 and 7490 during the Area 51 timeslot. We have new relays as well so look out for us on Focus International around 6285 the first week of the month, Magic 6205 Europe also on 15700 over weekends and Cupid Radio around 6305 or 15070 airing on the weekends as well. A big thank you to all our relay partners. Your generosity means a lot!

You may also hear our Christmas special on shortwave, it's to be aired on our relay partners and you can hear it in it's entirety n on the website at


Before we go it's time to get an audio clip out of the archives. This is a bit of festive music for Christmas from Radio Vaticana's Portugese transmission.

[Audio: Radio Vaticana.wav]

Until next time remember shortwave radio is still full of mysteries – keep tuning and keep reporting. We wish you a Merry Christmas a safe and prospertive New year.

[Audio: BBC World Service]

Image: Christmas light from a Hobart home in Warrane.

December 11, 2014

2014 Christmas Special

It's out and ready for anyone to listen to - the 2014 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL.

In this year's show we play music by John Lennon and Cascada, we travel back to Australia in 1958 via Doctor Who's spare TARDIS and see what Christmas means then. On our journey home we get a comical cultural dose of a hot summers Christmas in Australia - it's no winter wonderland downunder! And as we do every year we finish it off with Jiminy Cricket's Twas the night before Christmas.


DOWNLOAD (also in lower kbps formats)

Image: One of Tasmania's most popular Christmas lights in a Hobart outer-suburb.

Reception reports:
We have had a great number of QSL reports received of Europeans hearing us via relay parter Cupid Radio on 6265kHz 10h50-11h20UTC on December 25th 2014.
Here is a YouTube clip of us.
Below is audio of the show via Cupid Radio on 6265kHz (courtesy of Achim) 

December 10, 2014

New relays

Good news, Focus International has very kindly offered to air our shows on shortwave. Look out to hear them6285 on the 23rd of December.

More good news, Magic 6205 Europe has offered to relay our shows on shortwave as well. These additions are very positive and exciting news as we progress into 2015.

December 6, 2014

DX Extra No.16 Released!

Hello fellow DXers, it is with great excitement to release the latest shortwave news programme DX Extra number 16 to the world wide web! 
In this fortnight's podcast: ABC cutbacks further affect radio Giant sunspot mass Solar storm Two German stations close Santa on Amateur radio Pirate Radio Logs and recordings Audio Archive: Radio Romania International

LISTEN via embedded player:


To DOWNLOAD in 320kbps format or lower formats head to:


[Intro:] From Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, Welcome to the DX Extra, the extra thing you need to digest your shortwave news – its show number 16. Hope you are all doing well.

Just a reminder, our website is at our email address is and we are now on facebook at


Interesting DX conditions this week, it went from being better than normal to solar flares almost wiping out the band the last few days. Currently have an M class flare.

In show number 16 this fortnight:

  • ABC cutbacks further affect radio
  • Giant sunspot mass Solar storm
  • Two German stations close
  • Santa on Amateur radio
  • Pirate Radio Logs and recordings
  • Audio Archive: Radio Romaina International

The Herald Sun and an ABC and SBS Government published document have shed light on the future of radio broadcasting. It looks like the ABC will try to ditch all DAB radio, reduce satellite broadcasts, cut or heavily reduce Radio Australia on shortwave, keep ABC Northern Territory on shortwave and shut ABC shops and centres.

“3.5.3 Shortwave radio: Radio Australia and Outback RadioThe ABC broadcasts Radio Australia shortwave services through two domestic transmitter sites and from three overseas shortwave facilities. In addition, Local Radio is broadcast on three High Frequency (HF) short wave services in Alice Springs, Tennant Creek and Katherine. These HF services are known as Outback Radio and broadcast into remote areas of the Northern Territory. As theRadio Australia shortwave contracts are currently being renegotiated, the ABC is undertaking a strategic review of the continued application of shortwave distribution. Department of Communications Draft ReportABC and SBS Efficiency Study 91In contrast to the Australia Network television service which is funded under contract by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Radio Australia is a core ABC service which is funded through ABC base operating funds.
Radio Australia is distributed via both shortwave services and local FM retransmission sourced from the Australia Network satellite feed. If shortwave is terminated Radio Australia would continue to be broadcast on the FM retransmission. However, it should be noted that the current distribution ofsignals for FM retransmission relies on the Australia Network satellite service.DFAT has advised that shortwave delivery of Radio Australia provides the only current source of the service in some sensitive areas in Vanuatu, Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea; it supports a review of more cost effective alternatives for delivery of Radio Australia but considers that access tothe service in these areas should be maintained.

Offshore Radio Australia transmission servicesShortwave relay services to broadcast Radio Australia content off shore are provided through year to year contracts with Babcock Communications.These services are currently located at three sites: Singapore, Palau and the United Arab Emirates. All three provide coverage to the Asia region, specifically Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and China.

Outback Radio – Alice Springs, Tennant Creek, Katherine NTABC local radio content from the Darwin and Alice Springs studios are broadcast by shortwave services to remote areas in the Northern Territory and sections of the Timor Sea. There is no measurement of listener engagement with these services in the data provided by the ABC.
FindingsNoting shortwave is largely a superseded technology, potential savings may be achieved by discontinuing Radio Australia shortwave radio services. Radio Australia would continue to be broadcast in target countries through FM retransmission sourced from Australia.

Network satellite feed or its equivalent. Based on current usage, the distribution of the Radio Australia signal by satellite is estimated at $0.2 million p.a., including satellite capacity and uplink costs.If the ABC was to maintain the current breadth of coverage for Radio Australia provided by shortwave, a body of work to increase FM transmission through partnerships in Myanmar, Bougainville, Manus and Western Province would need to be undertaken. This work would need to be undertaken in consultation with DFAT to ensure that regional and local sensitivities are taken intoaccount. This would impact on the savings achievable and wider strategic issues would dictate the timing of this change. In addition, should the Australia Network satellite service not be available, other feed arrangements would need to be purchased. An additional potential saving of up to from discontinuing shortwave transmission of Outback Radio may be possible. However, Outback Radio particularly covers the remote areas of Australia that may be of value to those communities. The study understands that the ABC believes there is merit in maintaining this service until an alternative can be sourced.”

It sounds like Radio Australia will only be completely cut on shortwave once the department of foreign affairs is happy there is wide enough saturation by FM to Asian regions. However as the ABC has deemed shortwave a superseded technology it shows speculation that a large reduction of shortwave could be likely. Even the possibility of complete closure of shortwave. This does tell us that at least Australia Network is definitely safe from being chopped. ABC Northern Territory radio is very unlikely to cease.

Domestically digital radio may be reduced:

““The cost of digital radio services comprises the content costs (which would be very small for simulcast services, and modest for services which largely stream music content), and the distribution costs. Significant savings could be realised if a decision is taken to cease terrestrial transmission which is currently only available in capital cities. Content would continue to be available on alternative platforms such as the web, mobile and through digital television.” Via the ABC and SBS Efficiency Study public document* Limit digital radio services to online and mobile platforms, doing away with terrestrial services.* There may no longer be a need for ABC and SBS to pay for their services to be rebroadcast on Foxtel.* The ABC and SBS could use a pay-per-view service once catch-up services were no longer available for free on their websites.* Over time investments in bricks and mortar shopfronts should shift more towards online distribution methods.”

Via the Herald Sun online and the Department of Communications ABC and SBS efficiency study

“The largest sunspot to appear on Earth's nearest star in more than two decades is once again pointed at the planet, and it will likely kick-start solar storms, NASA scientists say.The massive sunspot, previously known as Active Region 12192, was turned toward Earth in October and early November, but rotated out of view. While it was on the Earth-facing side of the sun, the sunspot did not produce any coronal mass ejections — hot bursts of material ejected into space at 4 million mph (6.4 million kilometers/hour) — which have the potential to damage satellites and power grids. Now the active region has rotated back around to face Earth again, and although the sunspot has shrunk in size, it will likely be disruptive, NASA scientist Holly Gilbert told"This time around, it's more likely to have some coronal mass ejections associated with it, even though the solar flares might be smaller," said Gilbert, chief of the Solar Physics Laboratory at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland. "We have a good idea, based on the structure of that magnetic field and the sunspot, that it's very possible that it will create some midlevel flares."Look out for some odd dxing this month!


1 December 2014The German national public broadcasters Deutschlandfunk and Deutschlandradio Kultur will disappear from longwave at the end of this year. Wasteful channels are going off the air due to cost considerations. The money saved will be invested in digital terrestrial radio (DAB+). At the end of 2015 the mediumwave transmitters of Deutschlandfunk will also close.
Deutschlandfunk currently still broadcasts through longwave 153 and 207 kHz and seven mediumwave frequencies including 1269 and 549 kHz. Deutschlandradio Kultur broadcasts by means of the longwave frequency 177 kHz. The mediumwave frequency 990 kHz went off last year.
Keeping these transmitters on the air costs Deutschlandfunk and Deutschlandradio Kultur millions of euros a year in electricity costs. All these stations transmit with a fairly high power. The three longwave transmitters are each 500 kW, and the mediumwave transmitters range between 100 and 400 kW.
Meanwhile Deutschlandfunk and Deutschlandradio Kultur can be received on FM and DAB+ in large parts of the country. Further expansion of this network is proceeding rapidly. Earlier this year Deutschlandradio Kultur switched from the obsolete MP2 DAB standard to the modern DAB+, which is also used in the Netherlands.
In 2010 it was agreed that the public broadcasters will only get funding for the rollout of DAB+ if they cut down on other distribution methods. It therefore simply means that the medium- and longwave transmitters must be switched off. Meanwhile, several regional broadcasters have already turned off their AM stations. For example, MDR did so in March 2013.
In the Netherlands, the NPO will scrap the broadcast of Radio 5 via medium wave in September 2015. Again listeners are advised to switch to DAB+.”

This is a sign of things to come in Europe.

Via Shortwave Central blog

Kids chat with Santa on the North Pole and go secret shopping.Dressed in a shirt from Frozen and braids in her hair like the character Anna, Kapri Brumwell, 3, was beaming from ear to ear. I talked to Santa,” she said proudly, following her sit down to radio with and speak to Santa Claus on a television at the North Pole on Saturday at the Western Development Museum (WDM) via shortwave. “I talked about the Rocking Mally Horse.”That was one of her requests for Christmas. She also said she wanted a Barbie whistle horse.
Jackie Hall, education/program officer at the Moose Jaw WDM, said she saw the annual event as an official start to Christmas.It’s just a fun way to kick off the Christmas season,” she said. “Theturnout is fantastic.”The Moose Jaw Amateur Radio Club put on the Shortwave to Santa event. The club made all the arrangements for the kids to be able to chat with Santa Claus.” via the Moose Jaw Times Herald online.

[Audio: DX Extra Promo No.4]

[Pirate Theme]

Here are American and Europirate logs for the first week of December:


TCS “Touch and Go” 6885 “With S7 into Northern KY at 2355 UTC. SINPO 33233
2358 UTC "Announcement you are listening to the 80's sound on TCS"
2359 UTC "The Buggels - Video killed the radio star "”
Played more 80s music as signal became poorer at 00h04UTC. Heard December 5th by Chris Smolinski

Radio Abu Dhabi 6290 0h55UTC Today “I'm on the Dutch university SDR hearing very poor signal on 6290 a lot of fading. Talk and music.” “Tune in at 0101 UTC to UNID music, then BB with Abu Dhabi Radio ID at 0102 UTC! Fair signal with deep fades here.” Heard by myself member dxextra, thanks to member shipmuck for the ID.

[Audio: Abu Dhabi -----]

Radio Ga Ga6925 DSB today at 00h40UTC
0040 On with mx, "Radio Ga-Ga SDR Shortwave ID", baby laughing
0041 "Spiders and Snakes"
0042 sudden off
0045 back on with "Spiders and Snakes"
0047 ID, "Stone Free" by Hendrix
0054 "Don't Mess Around With Jim"” heard by jFarley.

All logs via the HF underground forum. (We also hank other members contributions to the pirate logs that may have not got a mention.)

This is an audio sample of Wolverine Radio 6950USB Nov 16th at 1h30UTC

And if this news was not enough, we recommend The World of Radio by Glen Hauser, the website www dot world of radio dot com

DX Extra is being relayed via World FM 88.2FM in Tawa, near Wellington in New Zealand.. Worldfm dot co dot nz – all the details are on the website.


An exciting interview has been added to the website featuring Jamie Moses, rhythm guitarist of Queen + Paul Rogers. Jamie is also a member of Band Hiding in Public.

Before we go it's time to get an audio clip out of the archives. This is audio of Radio Romania International 13730 at 4h55UTC November 30th.

[Audio: Radio Romania International 4h55 13730 30.11.14.wav]

Until next time remember shortwave radio is still full of mysteries – keep tuning and keep reporting. Take care and stay safe.  

December 4, 2014

Exclusive: Jamie Moses Interview!

Today I had a listen to some old recordings I found on my PC and found what is in my eyes a world exclusive interview I forgot about. A big thanks goes to Aussie Queens for their cooperation.

Just after Christmas December 2007 I got the privilege to interview Jamie Moses. This was at a time in his career when he was working as rhythm guitarist with Queen + Paul Rogers (2005-2007). Jamie is also a member of Hiding In Public, The SAS Band, and The World Famous Red Sox. The interview focuses more so on Jamie Moses' time as second guatrist with Brian May and Queen since 1992. It also highlights his current work back in 2007 of album What Lies Ahead - Hiding In Public.



Image: Jamie Moses (left) Brian May (right) from

December 3, 2014

New website

There's so much new stuff happening here!
We now have a new website address at, we have new promos, a brand new facebook page at AND we are currently working on new logos as well. 

November 23, 2014

DX Extra No.15 Released!

Hello fellow DXers, it is with great excitement to release the latest shortwave news programme DX Extra number 15 to the world wide web! 

In this fortnight's podcast:

DW launches EBola series to Africa
ABC funding cuts worry RA listeners
Shutting down of International stations
Global 24 testing new frequency
Pirate radio logs
Audio: Radio Havana Cuba 

LISTEN via embedded player:

To DOWNLOAD in 320kbps format or lower formats head to:

Subscribe to the RSS feed at:

We thank your continuing support and encouragement to produce this podcast.


[Intro:] From Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, Welcome to the DX Extra, the extra thing you need to digest your shortwave news – its show number 15. Hope you are all doing well.
Just a reminder, our blog is at and our email address is
In the headlines this fortnight:
  • DW Launches Ebola series to Africa
  • ABC funding cuts worry RA listeners
  • Shutting down of International Stations
  • Global 24 testing new frequency
  • Pirate Radio Logs
  • Audio:Radio Havana Cuba
Deutsche Welle
19 November 2014
Starting November 19, DW launches a radio series on Ebola for listeners in Africa, initially in English, followed by four regional languages. 
The eight-part series focuses on the most burning questions, myths and fears surrounding the deadly virus.
"Over 5,200 dead, 14,000 infected and new cases appearing in Mali indicate that we can by no means start to relax," says Claus Stäcker, head of DW's Africa Department. "Although there are now various information campaigns, ignorance about Ebola is still widespread. This is fertile ground for rumors, uncertainty and fear."
The series, which targets listeners in West Africa, begins with a kind of "on-air research." The audience listens-in as two African journalists share their own experiences, news agencies' reports, scientific articles or social media discussions, and look for conclusive answers to pressing questions.

"It was important to us not to present ourselves as Western know-it-alls," says Stäcker. In the new format, Africans communicate with Africans. "This allows survivors of the Ebola outbreaks in Gulu, Uganda in 2000 to talk about their experiences in an effort to help the West Africans." It also makes it easier to touch on especially sensitive topics, such as burial customs, rituals in dealing with the dead bodies, hygiene and sexuality.
The current eight-part Ebola special, funded by the Federal Foreign Office, will initially be broadcast in English, followed by French, Hausa, Kiswahili and Portuguese. It can be heard primarily by listeners in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Mali and neighboring states via shortwave, FM and mobile devices.
DW's radio programming reaches more than 40 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa. In addition to shortwave broadcasts, the programs in Amharic, English, French, Hausa, Kiswahili and Portuguese are re-broadcast by 250 partner stations. DW has over 650,000 Facebook fans in Africa.”
[Audio: RA Sign on]
November 22nd
The question every DXer is wondering is if Radio Australia will be pulled or reduced? The pie will be sliced by next year but we do have an idea of what might be on the chopping block:
In the interview Mr Scott (Managing Director) said:
  • [He] Predicts a television revolution next year that could lead to the closure of some TV and radio broadcast transmissions and their replacement with Internet streaming services.
  • Friday's state-based 7.30 programs will be axed
  • Lateline will be cut back but it stays on the main channel
  • ABC bureaux in Tokyo, Bangkok, New Delhi and New Zealand will also be crunched, with a claimed loss of 20 jobs
  • TV production in South Australia outside news and current affairs will be shut down
  • $6 million will be sliced off ABC Radio, with big cuts at Classic FM.
  • In all around 400 to 500 jobs will go, with people being shown the door by Christmas” (Via ABC News online)

The study points out a need for the service in PNG, The Solomons and Vanuatu. What might make sense is keeping one or two transmitters for those areas (and perhaps other western South Pacific targets) and adding a DRM signal (as RNZI does) for local rebroadcasting purposes. If Asia is to remain a target, just have one or two frequencies at peak morning and evening listening hours. Everything else gets dropped, with major savings in transmission costs. 
I'll be somewhat surprised if RA SW is completely closed, but I do expect huge cuts at the very least. 
Stephen Luce Houston, Texas “ (Via the DX Listening digest)
“Shutting Down Of International SW Broadcast Radio Stations
and cell phone access and even if they could do so, live in countries that have no infrastructure to do so. Plus daily access to the interweb and cell phones costs lot's of [money] every month, where as shortwave radio is free after the initial investment in a decent shortwave radio. 
biased manner. Even Fox News has a bias in it's news reporting.
Global 24” (Via Global 24's website)
[Pirate Theme]
Radio Gaga 6925DSB playing On the Road Again, Cecilia at 00h18UTC Today. Logged by fpeconsultant, Illinios, USA. Sounds like voice processor going over music. Off at 00h40UTC.
And if this news was not enough, we recommend The World of Radio by Glen Hauser, the website www dot world of radio dot com
DX Extra is being relayed via World FM 88.2FM in Tawa, near Wellington in New Zealand.. Worldfm dot co dot nz – all the details are on the website.
Before we go it's time to get an audio clip out of the archives. This is audio of Radio Havana Cuba broadcasting today at 03h43UTC on 6000 to Europe.
[Audio: RHC 22.11.1 3h43UTC 6000.wav]
Until next time remember shortwave radio is still full of mysteries – keep tuning and keep reporting. Take care and stay safe.

Press Release
Via DW's website

Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull confirms the ABC's annual funding will be reduced by about 5 per cent, and says he will detail the budget cuts this week.
The ABC's Media Watch program reported the Government would cut the public broadcaster's funding by $50 million a year, on top of the $9 million cut announced in the May budget.
Sources have told the program the cuts will see state-based 7.30 editions axed, Lateline pared back, bureaus in Tokyo, Bangkok, New Delhi and New Zealand scaled back, $6 million sliced off radio budgets and TV production in South Australia shut down.
Speaking on the ABC's Q&A program, Mr Turnbull said the cuts would average at 5 per cent over five years.
"That includes the 1 per cent, it includes everything since the budget, including the budget," he said. "It does not include the cancellation or termination of the Australia Network contract.
"And the reason for that is that that was a contract between the Department of Foreign Affairs and ABC." He said the cuts were reasonable, and were a part of a Government-wide savings exercise necessary to help with the budget. "We're spending more than we are receiving... so we've got to raise some more money and we've got to spend less," Mr Turnbull said.” Via ABC News website

The good news is that at this stage there is no mention of cutting Radio Australia further and Australia Plus TV formerly the Australia Network. But as is Radio Australia is a mess. The schedule is very vague with six and half hours of unknown unscheduled content.
The current overall Radio Australia schedule doesn't make any sense. Gutting program content while leaving eight or nine transmitters running simultaneously 24/7 would seem to be a misallocation of financial resources. 

We will be following the cuts to the ABC closely.

I'm sure that I'm not alone in watching in dismay as international shortwave broadcast radio stations continue to shut down for good and tear down their broadcasting plants, wasting millions of [dollars] in the process. What really irritates me is the alleged logic that bureaucrats use to Justify the shutting down of the stations, easy access to news via the interweb and smart cell phones.
Yes more people nowadays get their news via the interweb and smart cell phones than in the past. But in my opinion the people, mostly in 3rd world countries with tyrannical dictatorships, that need access to unbiased regional and international broadcasted news reports, can't afford interweb
These people and there are still millions of them, still depend on shortwave broadcast radio for their news. Granted some totalitarian governments like China, Cuba, North Korea and Iran still jam international shortwave news broadcasts but these signals still get through. Just ask any ex Soviet Union citizen how the VOA got through the jamming during the cold war.
But when the totalitarian tyrants shut down interweb and cell phone access that's a brick wall end of story. In my opinion millions of people have and are being abandoned by international shortwave broadcasters.
I myself get some news via the interweb and smart cell phone. But I still listen to international shortwave broadcast radio to get a different point of view on a particular issue or subject, because in the U.S.A. the state run media outlets such as CNN, MSNBC, etc. spin a news story in a leftist
So I listen to Radio Australia, the BBC and All India Radio to get another possible view point. [By the way] I really miss Radio Canada International and even the Voice of Russia for their take on things. I would have really liked to have heard Russia's spin on the current Ukrainian crisis.” From Thomas Giella Florida USA.
[Audio: DX Extra Promo No.1]
[Audio: Grandmaster Flash – The Message.

Global 24 “Frequency Test Tonight on 9465
0000 UTC on November 22  running for 24 hours we will be testing on 9465.  Let us know if you can hear it and how well you can hear it.  Reception reports to

Here are American and Europirate logs for the third week of November:

Chris Smolinski, Maryland, USA logged Channel Z 6938AM signing on at 23h37UTC Today. Playing Mystery Achievement The Pretenders, ID “Hard to believe Channel Z has been on the air for ten years”. Playing a song with barking dogs “Wonder Dog” still going at 00h02UTC today.
Chris Smolinski again heard Europirate Sluwe Vos 21460 AM at 15h07UTC yesterday 21st November. S2-S5 in New Hampshire ID and thanks for the shout at 15h45, off at 16h00UTC.
Ulx2 has heard Nameless pro-Stalinist pirate on 7200 AM at 14h40UTC been on air regularly for several days on 7200. It's 1kw from South-West Russia playing anti-American and anti-Semitic pro-Stalin songs non-stop no Ids. Another listener thought that North Korea had a new place to swat and that they're running a hair more than 1kw. Assuming the station is on ait 12-15hrs UTC most days. Governemt stations also use this same frequency at other times.
Old Time Radio 6770 21h27UTC 20th November ad for Sir Walter Raleigh cigerettes then what sounded like NBC chimes and intro. Female opera singing and an old time radio show. Still going at 13h00UTC Heard by Chris Smolinski.

All logs via the HF underground forum.
And if this news was not enough, we recommend The World of Radio by GlenHauser, the website www dot world of radio dot com DX Extra is being relayed via World FM 88.2FM in Tawa, near Wellington in New Zealand.. Worldfm dot co dot nz – all the details are on the website.
Before we go it's time to get an audio clip out of the archives. This is audio of Radio Havana Cuba broadcasting today at 03h43UTC on 6000 to Europe.

[Audio: RHC 22.11.1 3h43UTC 6000.wav]
Until next time remember shortwave radio is still full of mysteries –keep tuning and keep reporting. Take care and stay safe.

Image: Ross Church, Tasmania.

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